On another note, this Wednesday is World AIDS day so to celebrate, my sitemate and I are giving the HIV/AIDS workshop put together by Peace Corps Guatemala. We are heading out to one of my communities tomorrow to give it to the groups I work with there and also any others that want to join. On the official day, Wednesday, we are giving the workshop twice at the health center to whoever wants to come and I have invited the groups from my other community and my sitemate has invited most if not all of her groups. We are hoping for a good turn out so we can help get the word out about HIV/AIDS. It's very much a taboo subject here and we would like to break through that. We are planning on doing a condom demonstration too so that should be beneficial in terms of family planning and preventing the spread of sexually transmitted infections. Pray that the workshops may go well and that those in attendance may glean a lot of information.
Hope you had a great Monday!