I just finished reading a devotional about how our sub-culture as Christians is focused so much on the future and not in the present. At the end of the reading, there was a question presented:
How can you balance living fully today while still hoping for your future?
I thought about this for a second and contentment came to mind. If we are content in our current place in life and trust that God knows what He is doing, I believe that we can find the balance between our mindset of the present and the future.
My thoughts also traveled to the thought of why contentment is so hard to come by. Why do we live in a culture that constantly tells us that more is better? When we get more we find that we are not satisfied and continue to want, until we bring trouble and hardship upon ourselves from living beyond our means. I believe that these messages make it a challenge for any follower of Christ to find true contentment, not that it isn't possible, just super hard to come by.
I feel as though God has been cultivating contentment in me as I am here serving in the Peace Corps. Making the choice to be here serving was also a choice to leave by things that I have always know, loved ones, familiar surroundings, and familiar habits. Contentment has been a challenge here, but I am learning to see what it is that I really need in life and to be truly thankful for all that I have. It is through this experience that I am able to see how much God has supplied me well beyond my basic needs. I should be more than content in life as I have many blessings from an amazingly awesome God.
I am hoping that as I continue here that I will continue to grow in contentment and be able to return to the States at the end of my time here as a changed person, one changed for the better. That I may be able to live out more than just the length of my life but also the depth, that when I finish my time here on earth, I will be remembered as one who lived life for all that it was worth, who squeezed every drop out of it and that all in all ran the race of faith to the finish line without ever letting up.
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